We Screen Print & Embroider Apparel!

Hoodies, Jackets, Hats, T-shirts, Polo’s, Fleece & more!

If you have a vision, we can bring it to life. We have the ability to print or stitch on most surfaces using Screen Printing, Embroidery, Sublimation Printing, Pad Printing, and Vinyl. We are located in St. Louis Missouri, opened for business in 2010 with one focus: earning our customers business by offering great products and even greater customer service. Whether you only need one specialized item or thousands, we can help. We offer a large selection of quality products, feature competitive pricing, and extremely dedicated customer service. Show Me Imprints imprints graphics, words, or pictures on a wide array of products.

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We carry the most popular brands for your needs. We don’t save you money because we sell no-name products, we save you money because we are your connection to all the best prices online!
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You may just need matching shirts for your employees and staff. No problem, buy in bulk and save even more money. But why not have your logo embroidered on them and take that extra step?
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